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weight restriction

페이지 정보

작성자 Scottgem
댓글 0건 조회 37회 작성일 24-09-05 01:14


It's critical to be honest about your weight when booking a skydiving experience. Don't try to fudge the numbers or underestimate your weight, hoping to squeeze in. Safety is paramount, and the skydiving company's responsibility is to ensure a safe jump for everyone involved. **A:** Yes, if you are determined to skydive and are above the weight limit, you can consider losing weight to meet the requirements. This is a long-term solution that can benefit your overall health and well-being. For further details https://travelerschat.com/sky-diving/minimum-age-requirement-for-skydiving/ **Q: Is it safe to skydive if I am overweight?**

The Bottom Line: Safety and Enjoyment

Factors Affecting Weight Restriction

**Q: Are there any other factors that can affect my eligibility for skydiving besides weight?** Imagine a parachute acting like a giant umbrella. The larger the surface area of the canopy, the more air it can capture, slowing down the descent rate. This is crucial for a safe landing. Now, picture a heavier person attached to the parachute. The parachute needs to work harder against the additional weight to maintain a safe descent speed.


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